Ever wonder what all those abbreviations and nicknames mean
when it comes to shippers? Well here is an unofficial list of some of those references. If you have anything to add to the
list, let us know.

First of all, let's start with
the term "shipper."
A shipper is a devoted fan, particularly toward a certain coupling.
GeekLove --
Grissom/Sara ship aka: GSR (Grissom Sara Romance) followers:
Hillbilly Love -- Cath/Nick ship followers: Hillbillies
-- Cath/Warrick ship followers: Yoblingers
LAFS -- Griss/Cath ship aka:
Love At First Sight followers: Lafs
Snick -- Sara/Nick ship followers:
LabLove -- Greg/Sara ship followers: Labloves
Swara --
Sara/Warrick ship followers: Swaras